Online Engineering is an initiative by Mr. Vishal Bhatt which started in October 2018 with ample experience in various top coaching centers across the country to produce top rankers with an i-Pad as the only physical asset. Within a span of 1 year from the begining, Online Engineering grew to multiple digital board studios and more expert and dedicated teachers joined the team. Online Engineering is continuing the league from past 5 years by producing top ranks including AIR 87, 94, 119 and many more in GATE along with thousands of selections in various departments as assistant/junior engineers, scientists across the country.Currently, Online Engineering is offering courses for Civil Engineering specifically designed for GATE 2024/25, ESE 2024/25 and State AE-JE helping students to achieve their dreams at the minimal cost while maintaining the highest content quality. Dedicated online courses comprises of video lectures divided topic wise covering complete syllabus from basic to advance level, theory to numerical, concepts to short tricks to make student confident and capable enough to crack any competitive exams related to the field. Our main is to give the best education to all students to bring the best result from them and make our country and family proud.